Thursday, June 20, 2019

What is the Best Travel & Medical Emergency Insurance for International Travel in 2019?

This is not always an easy question to answer. So many thoughts and situations need to be considered and addressed prior to purchasing such a plan. Never purchase a plan off the internet before speaking with a professional first. You may be throwing away monies.

A global travel & medical insurance company which pays medical claims on time, and without hassle and many exclusions, would offer the best value travel insurance. Rates are not everything when it comes to global travel for an individual & family or business group. Most of these types of plan are low in cost and based on the number of days of travel. Plans range from $50,000 - $2 million dollars of medical coverage per trip. The costs are calculated by the following: location, amount of overall coverage, deductible chosen (if any), age and number in family or business group. There are many global medical & travel insurance companies which very often refuse to pay legitimate travel claims and this makes members very frustrated.  Do your homework, check online for references and testimonials, talk to consultants and friends who travel. So often, credit cards offer a minimum amount of coverage at no cost, be sure and check the exclusions. So many of these policies are written with detailed exclusions and may not work. Feel free to contact at any time for answers.

Travelers often face unique medical situations and emergencies at the most inconvenient times and it can become very frustrated when a global medical insurance carrier holds up communication or claims.  Emergencies abroad require rapid communication from a member services team, especially when a life is on the line. All hospitals are not equipped to handle every medical emergency. Coordination of emergency medical care abroad is everything. Is an Air Ambulance team needed to move a patient from one hospital to another hospital? Who is handling this? Who is coordinating with the member’s family? Is there coordination with a provider in a home country? It is important to work with an agent/broker who can jump in and help at any time, like the global team at Offshore Health Benefits.

Travel insurance for international travel is important. Whether, you are a missionary traveller, an adventure lover, a business person or a student, there are travel & medical insurance policies for just about every walk of life.

The best travel insurance plan is based on many aspects, like design flexibility and location being the most important.  For example, if you are going out of the country for more than 5 days, a policy that provides coverage for any unexpected illnesses or injuries, lost passport or document support and lost baggage would be ideal for you. Whereas, if you are a student then the best travel insurance policy would be the one that provides international student health insurance which may cover sports and higher risk activities, like surfing and organized activities.

For business executives and professionals, a higher level of coverage may be required depending on location and travel routines. A good insurance provider is someone who can cater to all global travellers the different kind of travellers with different insurance deductible and coverage maximums. Offshore Health Benefits provide travel insurance coverage to all kinds of travellers. For tips and guidance on which is the most suitable plan for you, visit our website now:

Since 2002, we has helped thousands from all walks of life. Schedule a Skype or WhatsApp call today!

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What is the Best Travel & Medical Emergency Insurance for International Travel in 2019?

This is not always an easy question to answer. So many thoughts and situations need to be considered and addressed prior to purchasing suc...